Planets and stars

Welcome, Adventurer!

In here, while we may not have a lot to offer, you'll discover our blogs and documentation for open-source projects. Make yourself at home in this cozy corner, and feel free to explore as much as you'd like!

2 hands about to press on a huge enter button, enter button has a heart on it

Who Are We?

We are a couple living in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, our goal here is to share our journey, passions and projects with the world.

Avatar of Kadir


Hi there! I'm a curious soul who loves learning, solving problems, and building cool stuff. I'm a passionate software developer skilled in Laravel, Vue, Inertia, Livewire, and TailwindCSS. I have a special love for TCP and WebSockets. When I'm not coding, I enjoy getting creative and hands-on with activities like cooking, riding my bicycle, and fixing things.

Avatar of Büşra


Well, I should put a profile description in here.

Hear from Us!

We share our thoughts, experiences, and knowledge on a variety of topics, including web development, programming, and life in general. Check out our blog to see what we've been up to!

Stacked books, the book on top is open
Large tent, behind the tent is a clouds, trees and sun. Right side of the tent is a campfire

Huh, what?

Well, here you are, at the bottom of our landing page. Um, t-thank you! No, really, thank you so much! Your visit means a lot to us. If you're looking for more, feel free to explore our blog, documentation, and social accounts (they're right below in the footer). And hey, remember, we're friends now! Have a fantastic day!